(For shorter bios visit the MEDIA KIT page)
Described as a 'renaissance woman' Kimberley Jones is a multi award-winning writer, mentor, artist and mystic. A sacred feminist and soul midwife Kimberley is the pioneer of Healing the Witch Wound®, helping women reclaim their power and remember their magic.
Kimberley is the mentor behind some of the leading spiritual teachers of our time and the mystic that other mystics go to for clarity and guidance. She has devoted herself to the healing and awakening of women and our world for almost 25 years.
She is also a published poet, a professional artist who has exhibited internationally and a best-selling author. She lives by the sea in Devon in the UK.
Kimberley has worked at the leading edge of psycho-spiritual awakening and transformational crisis, speaking and teaching alongside psychologists, psychiatrists, therapists, Shamans and indigenous leaders raising awareness of the need for 'spiritual health and safety' in the new age marketplace and greater respect for and awareness of the human/spiritual experience in modern healthcare services.
Kimberley believes the rise in 'spiritual emergency' experiences and Kundalini crises is connected with generations of patriarchal oppression of the Feminine aspects of our psyche, the result of the destruction of the sacred ways and a disconnection from our traditions, innate gifts and ancestral wisdom.
A highly gifted energy intuitive, visionary, psychic, medium and clairvoyant, Kimberley is a profoundly deep seer and reader of the unseen layers of life. She sees, reads and translates energetic information within people, places, businesses, collective consciousness and within the patterns and deeper truths playing out in our world. She also has a direct experience of the Divine and has had many mystical experiences. She channels this vision and connection into her art and her one-to-one sessions. In the past she has worked as a remote-viewer for global peace-keeping organisations.
Kimberley is also a Soul Midwife or 'Soul Doula', a guide for souls into, out of and beyond this life as well as for the living who are navigating awakening and embodiment.

Kimberley coined the now popular term 'Witch Wound' several decades ago to describe the dark legacy of the 'burning times' when for 300 years women feared being killed for being a witch. She is the founder and pioneer of Healing the Witch Wound® work, now being written about and taught all over the world. Born into a long line of wise and wounded Clairvoyant Mediums, Witches and Tarot Readers Kimberley observed the Witch Wound and its direct impact on her Mother, Grandmother and Great Grandmother and specifically on their health, confidence, personal power, psychic gifts and ability to thrive.
She has over 20 years of professional experience in deep 1-to-1 private client work helping tens of thousands of women globally, navigate psycho-spiritual transformation and the healing and embodiment of the Feminine. Many years of this work was done in a doctor-run private practice in an Integrative Medicine Clinic in the UK. Kimberley now helps women internationally via online/phone sessions.
Kimberley spent many years immersed full-time in deep spiritual initiation, training and healing, living and working with spiritual teachers, a Shaman, a psychic CEO and learning from one of the fathers of modern transformational breathwork. She has lived and embodied this work.
She organised two of the world's first global conferences on spirituality in business and transforming our world, gathering together hundreds of leaders, CEOs, healers, entrepreneurs, creatives and visionaries from all over the planet to seed conscious transformational practices into all walks of life, service and business.
She was the founder of the global peace movement: 'One Minute for Peace, The Quantum Peace Project' which gathered over 8000 people together for a synchronised global energy meditation based on the 'Extended Maharishi Effect' which states that it only takes the square root of 1% of any population to shift the consciousness of the whole of that population. The 'Pause for Peace' meditation is still being taught in schools worldwide. She trained as a Quantum Activist with Quantum Physicist Dr Amit Goswami as part of creating the project.

On a more personal note Kimberley's work is rooted in direct, lived exerience. She shares her story and teaches embodied wisdom gained from a lifetime of intense challenges to help other women know they not alone, wrong, bad, weak, lazy or crazy!
Coming from humble beginnings she has experienced poverty, abuse, multiple bereavements, Trauma, Spiritual Emergency and 25 years of chronic health challenges. She has AuDHD with a high IQ and a brain that has been studied in a lab!
Her own extraordinary Shamanic initiation, encounters with the Divine Mother and Mary Magdalene, spiritual emergence, awakening experiences and psychic gifts have been the subject of psychological and paranormal doctoral research and her experiences are featured in several books, including those by Transpersonal Psychologist Steve Taylor and Eckhart Tolle.
Kimberley also featured in a BBC documentary on holistic healing and wrote for a book series alongside The Dalai Lama and Dr Bruce Lipton. She has spoken at global summits with the thought leaders and teachers of our age, including Shaman Alberto Villoldo, Barbara Marx Hubbard, Dr Judith Orloff, Marci Shimoff and Lisa Nichols.
Currently Kimberley is studying for a PhD in Ancestral Healing, specialising in the Witch Wound and is an Interfaith Metaphysical Minister in training. This step was inspired by her time as guest lecturer at New York University for undergraduates of Applied Psychology teaching her own class on the Witch Wound and its impact on women's health and on our world.

Lightworker of the Year (Lightworker Magazine)
Top 50 Women's Empowerment Blogs (Institute of Psychology of Eating)
Top 15 Influencers in Human Potential on Twitter (SAP Business Innovation)
Global Luminary (Inspire Me Today)
Top 100 spiritual women (Diviner Life)
B.A.(Hons) History of Design and the Visual Arts, with social and political history.
Diploma Transpersonal Psychology
Diploma Ancestral Healing, Trauma and Epigenetics
Certificate Supporting Someone Through Spiritual Emergency
Certificate Creative Kinesiology Life Tracking
Certificate Transformational Facilitator
Certificate Quantum Activism
Certificate Feminine Business Management, ILM
3rd Degree Reiki Master Healer
Energy Mastery
Creative Thinking
Body Language
Reading Auras
Circle Facilitation
Psychic Development
Energy Medicine
Relaxation for Women
Chakra Healing
CBT Sleep Therapy and Behavioural Medicine
Transformational Breathwork/Rebirthing
Spirituality in Business
Colour Therapy
Writer's Bureau Training
Rainbow Tai Chi Chi Kung
Touch for Health